Friday Fotos: Black and White and Arizona All Over

Bob Larson | Prescott

Bob Larson | Prescott

“Black and white always looks modern, whatever that word means.” — Karl Lagerfeld

Black-and-white photography has its own special beauty — and its own challenges. You were up to the task in this week’s Friday Fotos. As usual, we had many more worthy submissions than we could fit into a blog post. We hope you’ll keep submitting your photos, even if yours didn’t make it this time. Have a great weekend!

By submitting photographs to Arizona Highways via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr or other social networking sites, the photographer grants Arizona Highways electronic rights. No financial consideration will be paid to anyone for publication on the Arizona Highways blog or website.

By publishing a photographer’s work to its blog, Arizona Highways does not endorse the photographer’s private business or claim responsibility for any business relationships entered into between the photographer and our readers.


Filed under Friday Fotos, Photography

7 responses to “Friday Fotos: Black and White and Arizona All Over

  1. edwardsmd0722

    Reblogged this on The Edwards Clan.

  2. maya456

    These photos are so beautiful! The black and white effect somehow makes them look better. My favorites are the ones of the animals, especially the ones with the reflections of the birds. Are these animals wild? If so, I would be really impressed.

  3. Pingback: Arizona Highways Reader Submissions | Finer Senses

  4. Great blackandwhite shots!

  5. Pingback: Arizona Highways Magazine Finalist Entries

  6. Pingback: Arizona Highways Magazine Friday Fotos

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