Friday Fotos: Arizona’s Brilliant Starry Skies

C. Edward Brice | Sedona

C. Edward Brice | Sedona

Not just beautiful, though — the stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And they’re watching me.” ― Haruki Murakami, Kafka on the Shore.

Enjoy this week’s Friday Fotos, and a huge thanks to everyone who shared on our Facebook page.


Filed under Friday Fotos

13 responses to “Friday Fotos: Arizona’s Brilliant Starry Skies

  1. Reblogged this on Southwest Adventure Tours and commented:
    You think you have seen stars, but you haven’t until you’ve seen Arizona’s starry skies. Beautiful shots!

  2. Some really awesome night shots that remind me of why I love living in Arizona so much!

  3. How did you create this effect? Did you just leave the shutter open and the have the camera on a tripod? How long did you keep the shutter open?

  4. Stunning. Love Bob Miller’s shot–Superstition Mountains

  5. Wow! I really loved that! Thanx!

  6. J Wood

    Very inspiring! Thank you for sharing your love of the night skies!

  7. Arizona dream for real. I am without words, these pics are amazing.


    Reblogged this on AZVHV.

  9. hiba98

    Beautiful 😀

  10. hiba98

    Reblogged this on Bulbulay.

  11. paranoiasnfm

    Amazing photos… no way to say the best…

  12. Amazing shots of Arizona at nighttime! I love the photo of that yellow tent under the great expanse of a starry sky.

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