Friday Fotos: Gorgeous Autumn Landscapes in Arizona — Yes, They Do Exist!

Reid Helms | Hart Prairie

Fall officially begins this Saturday… and I have to say, it sure doesn’t feel like it from where I’m sitting here in Phoenix (105, really?). Fortunately, your fantastic photographs of autumn landscapes are giving me something to look forward to.

Thanks to everyone who shared on our Facebook wall, and please feel free to spread the word via social media — you know the drill: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, etc, etc, etc.




By submitting photographs to Arizona Highways via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr or other social networking sites, the photographer grants Arizona Highways electronic rights. No financial consideration will be paid to anyone for publication on the Arizona Highways blog or Website.


Filed under Friday Fotos

5 responses to “Friday Fotos: Gorgeous Autumn Landscapes in Arizona — Yes, They Do Exist!

  1. E

    Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Gorgeous! You’re making me miss AZ even more than I already too. Truly a beautiful state.

  2. Thanks for the nod Robert. Great images. Congrats to the others!

  3. harleybird

    I’m going to have to move to Arizona! These pics are beyond beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Reblogged this on theworldthatihavecreated and commented:
    Oh my!!! I’ve seen paradise…

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